Friday 16 December 2011

Family Friday.

It has arrived....

The weekend before Christmas. This means work, work and more work. To be honest I do not mind working like mad over Christmas. There is an amazing buzz and atmosphere about the shop and it is constantly busy which makes the day go in fast. It also means saving pennies for NEW YORK. However this year I am sure I will have a tear in my eye. Anne Mason has been my department manager since I got moved to ladies wear a few years ago and her last day will be Christmas eve. She cured my love to wander away for 30 minutes when I said I was only going to the toilet or sometimes I would just do a disappearing act. I quite often "Do her nut in" which only makes me laugh more. I have never had the bond I have with Anne with any other manager during my time in retail. When I am down or having a panic attack she knows how to calm me down. Little does she know that I will be phoning her on a regular basis.....

Due to working more in Cruise I have had little time to do styling. However Eric sent me an email explaining a project he would like me to style called "Winter Light". It will involve beauty and fashion shoots outdoors. "It is about capturing natural beauty in natural light, really stripping back from the glossy look to a more natural and emotive look." I am super duper excited about these test shoots as it means I can hopefully use some of my knitwear designs. I wish the wind, rain and snow would stop so we could get shooting! I suppose it give me something to look forward to after Christmas and New Year. 



Family Friday 
Today I was up super early as we were getting our bathroom floors fitted.
SNAKESKIN & SPARKLES. I then went back to bed for a much needed "long lie". I was planning on having a lazy day and not getting out of my PJs but Kazzamama called and it was off to Costco we went. We picked up my Granmama on the way. She is a sweetpea. She had a hip replacment a few weeks ago but still wants to go shopping trips with The Barker girls. Kazza was giving her wheelies in her wheelchair. Can't take them anywhere. Mary doll purchased me a beautiful faux fur gillet that will come in very handy in NYC. It was a very successful day and we even managed to pick up a Christmas tree for mama on our way home, I think the guy was ready to hit her with it due to how fussy she was. PERFECTIONIST.



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